SIEESA is a cosmetic creative manufacturer established in 2008.
Our mission is to create, design and deliver unique new makeup products that
your market desired. We have integrated with all the process of production
including concept design, creative packaging,color variety and cosmetic skincare.
Our professional makeup creative and technical team work closed with you for
your private brand with new ideas which are desirable in cosmetic range. We of fer
product development services andideasfor the customer interest in creating a
new product line.
Make it original, innovative, be fabulous!
是一家集研发, 生产, 技术, 销售, 服务和加工为一体的化妆品现代化企业.
专注于各类彩妆设计开发与生产. 为客户提供OEM贴牌加工等完备服务.
公司拥有完整, 科学的质量管理体制和经验丰富的自主研发团队,
满足客户多方位需求, 产品效果, 质地, 肤感, 颜色等均可定制.
欢迎各界人士莅临参观, 指导和业务洽谈.